Elite beat agents

I love the look and the game play of Elite Beat Agents. It’s essentially a musical interactive comic book where a bad day, unfortunate event and even a natural disaster or monster attack can be solved by getting down with your bad self in the guise of the men in black with afros.

The dots on the touch screen represent the notes, the constricting rings represent time and I guess the colours allow you distinguish between segments.
The top screen shows an animated comic strip where the story’s outcome depends on your performance. There are generally three acts to a stage and two out of three gets you a pass.

The EBA Interface

I love comics and I love music and I also love nonsense. I love this game because it is completely from any other beat game that it makes the most of its platform, (namely the DS) it has a unique layout and cool songs, but it could really do with an expansion or sequel.

I’d like to incorporate the comic book elements of this game into my environment and the story was inspired by the game’s absurdity.

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